Treatments & Procedures

Treatments & Procedures

Endoscopy: Everything You Need to Know About This Vital Procedure

Endoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to examine a patient’s body without carrying out major surgery. It is a completely non-invasive procedure that has dramatically changed the approach.

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Treatments & Procedures

Home Remedies for Gallbladder Stones | Exploring Facts and Treatment

What are gallstones? Cholesterol and pigment are two types of stones that develop in your gallbladder and are either small, green, or brown and hard, ball-shaped stones. There are no.

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Treatments & Procedures

Kidney Biopsy | Uncovering Answers – Is It Right for You?

  Kidney Functions Our bodies are amazing giants who throughout our lives keep doing things unnoticed without which we could not survive. One is hardly aware of two important chorus.

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Treatments & Procedures

Peritoneal Dialysis | A Kidney Failure Treatment Option Explained

Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter  A Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter is a thin tube implanted in your abdomen via a minor surgery. It works as a lifeline for peritoneal dialysis, a method of.

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Treatments & Procedures

Renal Replacement Therapy | Benefits & Risks Explained

Renal Replacement Therapy Kidneys are an incredible part of our body and play a role as a filter of our body system. I believe that we all know the significance.

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Treatments & Procedures

Total Knee Replacement Recovery | Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Total Knee Replacement Protocol Isn’t it new to hear about the Total Knee Replacement Protocol? It is a challenge to know how to manage daily life after the operation that.

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Treatments & Procedures

Typhoid Immunization | Unveiling Vaccine Types & Their Benefits

What is Typhoid Fever? Typhoid is caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi and occurs when food and water are contaminated with the bacteria, producing high fever, severe headaches, and digestive.

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