life changing hacks Pro Hacks

22 Life Changing Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

I am going to tell you 22 Life Changing Hacks that will work for making your personality more and more attractive:

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1. Avoid calling a person more than twice on the same topic. If they don’t answer your call, believe they’ve something more essential to deal with.

2. Pay back the money you have borrowed even before the one who borrowed from you remember or ask for it. The reason it proves that you are honest and have good character. The same can be said of umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.

3. Never order the fancy item on the menu when someone is offering you a lunch/dinner.

4. It is, however, discouraged to ask embarrassing questions like ‘Oh so you have not gotten a husband or a wife yet? ’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house? ’ Or you prefer to ‘buy a car. ’ All in all you can say for the love of God it is not your business.

5. One has to stand aside and open the car door for the person moving to the rear seat. Whether male or female, either first year, second year, third year or fourth year, it does not matter at all. There is reality sometimes you do not become small by treating someone well in public.

6. If for instance you hire a taxi together with a friend and he/she pays, make it a point to pay the next time.

7. Honour diversity of opinions as well as grey areas. Since what is 6 to you is equal to what is 9 to the person in front of you. Apart from that, second opinion is useful when you want a different opinion.

8. Never interrupt people talking. Let them vent it out The best way to deal with their anger is to keep quiet and let them expel all that anger that they have inside them. After all, listen to all and reject all.

9. If you tease someone and he/she does not laugh, never tease him/her again. That challenges one to do more also it indicates how much you are appreciated.

10. You must use the words “thank you” when someone is assisting you.

11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately.

12. It is bad etiquette to discuss the subject of Weight of a person mostly it is best never to do it. Reply with, “You look fantastic. ” If they want to discuss weight loss, they will.

13. When you or someone you are with has a picture in the cellphone, do not scroll anymore from right to left. Often it is unpredictable when one event is followed by another one.

14. For instance, when a colleague says he/she has a doctors’ appointment, do not indulge into asking the nature of the appointment but simply wish the person to be alright. Do not place them in a situation where they will decide that they need to let you know the name of the ILLNESS they have. If they seek to have you know, you will know without you extending yourself to seek for that knowledge.

15. Remember to respect the cleaner in the same way that we do the Chief Executive Officer. No one cares at how badly you can ill-treat a sub-ordinate but people will care if you respect the sub-ordinate.

16. If someone is addressing you, or you are in a conversation, looking downwards at your phone is impolite.

17. One should never volunteer to give advice.

18. When you meet a person after a long time or when you are guessing about something don’t force them to tell you their age or their salary.

19. Just let things go by, especially if they do not pertain to you; if it has anything to do with you, then you might get involved.

20. Take off your sunglasses if you are conversing with anyone on the street pavement. It is a sign of respect as most people would not want to interrupt the energy that is being used by the gadget. Actually, eye contact is almost as important as what you say.

21. Never boast of your wealth where there are poor people.

22. When you are through reading a good message try to close the conversation with a “Thank you for the message”.

POVERTY has always remained easy when it comes to securing that which you do not possess.


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